Customer Success Stories

In the following case studies, you will learn more about our customer projects. What challenges were faced? What goals and requirements did the customer have? What solution was developed and successfully implemented by MTRIX in collaboration with the customer?

BMW Group

Since 2017, we have been successfully supporting the BMW Group with their authentication project. Our services include proof of concept, consulting, license management, as well as IT and project management support.

In addition, we developed a registration portal specifically tailored to the needs and requirements of BMW, enabling users to register their authenticators easily and securely.

For information and insights about our customer project with BMW, watch the recording of the customer presentations.


Strong authentication for the agile enterprise

Key to success for multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the flexibility when it comes to selecting factors or authenticators to meet user experience, cost, and security expectations. In an agile world, enterprise MFA solutions also need to be dynamic in terms of use cases and integrations. In this session, BMW will talk about its specific goals, objectives, and accomplishments. 

Dennis Robare, Cyber Security Engineer, BMW (US)


A Journey in MFA at the BMW Group 

At the Micro Focus Virtual Universe 2021, Dennis Robare, Cyber Security Engineer at BMW (US), once again spoke about our joint strong authentication project. Watch the presentation to gain insights into this exciting customer project.

ivv GmbH

Informationsverarbeitung für Versicherungen GmbH (ivv) was founded in 1993 by the IT division of VGH Versicherungen in collaboration with major public insurance providers in Bremen, Oldenburg, and Saxony-Anhalt.

Their mission is to provide applications and systems for managing the entire insurance business, from contract initiation to claims processing.

The success story available for download

RWS Group Deutschland GmbH

The Language Solutions Division of RWS in Germany is responsible for translating highly confidential documents. How was the department able to ensure secure access to confidential materials for on-site and remote employees?

In close collaboration with MTRIX, the Language Solutions Division of RWS in Germany implemented the NetIQ solution to manage all authentication policies and devices from a single location. This significantly simplified security management.

The success story available for download

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